Calvary News

Women's Bible Study

Monday, Feb. 3, 6:30 pm

All ladies are invited every Monday evening at 6:30 in the fellowship hall. 

We will be studying the Book of Zechariah

Lord's Supper

 Sunday, Feb. 2 

During the morning worship service

Men's Day

 Sunday, Feb. 2 

Our men will lead the morning worship service along with an all-men's choir and testimonies. 

Adult Bible Study

 Starting Sunday, Feb. 2 at 9:45 am

All adults are invited to join us every Sunday morning at 9:45 for Bible Study before our morning worship service. The class meets in the old sanctuary.

Christmas Candlelight Service

 Sunday, Dec. 22, 6:00 pm

A time of worship with Christmas hymns, special music, instrumentals, families reading scriptures, and the lighting of candles

Youth and Children's 

Christmas Party

 Sunday, Dec. 15th, 5:00 pm

Good fun, food, and fellowship

Children's Christmas Program

 Sunday, Dec. 15th, 11am

Worship with us as our children share the true message of Christmas

Sunday, Dec. 8th, 5pm

 Meat and drinks provided. Please bring side dishes and desserts

Christmas Program

"God Is With Us"

Sunday, Dec. 8th, 11am

  Join us as we worship with special music, songs, scripture and celebration of the Lord's Supper  

Happy Thanksgiving

No Wednesday evening Service 

Thanksgiving Eve

Women's Bible Study

Starting September 9th

Monday evenings at 6:30

        Welcome Back Students!

College Students & Singles Lunch 

Sunday, September 8th 

after morning worship service.  

Invite a friend!

Menu: Pulled pork, mac & cheese, corn, desserts

        Ladies Doing Lunch

Wednesday, Sept 4th at 12:30 pm

All ladies are invited to attend this luncheon at Los Mariachi's, Van Voorhis Rd

"Ladies Doing Lunch" meets the first Wednesday of each month

Ola Cox    State Missions

We will be receiving offerings through the month of September to support our mission work throughout West Virginia. 

Please pray for our state missionaries and their work as you give through our State Missions Offering. Envelopes are provided in the sanctuary.


Men's Breakfast

Saturday, Aug. 24th 8:30 am

All men are invited to enjoy good food and fellowship in the fellowship hall. 

Mark Cottrill, Chaplin for the WVU Men's wrestling team, will be our guest speaker. 


Mission Project

Our children and youth will be serving dinner at the Rosenbaum House, Sunday, Aug. 11th.

This is their service and outreach project as a follow-up from VBS


Ladies Doing Lunch

Wednesday, Aug. 7th at 12:30 pm

All ladies are invited to attend this luncheon at the Peking House. "Ladies Doing Lunch" meets the first Wednesday of each month


Youth "Back to School" Pool Party

Tuesday, Aug. 6th 6:30-8:30 pm

At Krepps Pool

Pizza, snacks, and drinks provided


Church Cookout

Sunday, June 30th 

At Krepps Park Pavilion by playground

4 pm - 7 pm (Eat at 5 pm)

Church will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, mustard & ketchup, and bottled water.

Bring a side and enjoy a great time of fellowship and games.


Vacation Bible School

Tues. June 18th thru Thurs. June 20th

Supper at 5:00 pm

VBS - 5:30 - 8:30 pm

Everyone is invited to our VBS Kick Off Beach Party on Mon. June 17th 4-8 pm 

Bring the family and enjoy the water slide, bubble machine, foam machine, hot dogs, and other fun activities!



Ladies Doing Lunch

Wednesday, June 5, 12:30 pm

at Applebee's 

All ladies are invited to enjoy a time of good food and fellowship. "Ladies Doing Lunch" will meet the first Wednesday of each month.


Lord's Supper

Sunday, June 2nd, 

during the morning worship service 


Graduate Recognition

Sunday, May 19th

We will honor our graduates during the morning worship service


Monongahela Baptist Association

Spring Meeting

Saturday, April 27th

We are hosting our Association's  Spring meeting. 

Registration at 9:30 am. There will be a luncheon following the meeting. Menu: Lasagna, bread, salad.


VBS Planning Meeting

Thursday, April 25th, 6:30 pm 

Those interested in teaching and helping in VBS, please plan to be at this planning meeting.

The dates for VBS are June 18-20 in the evening, beginning with supper at 5 pm.


Church-wide Breakfast & Workday  * Sat. April 20th

Breakfast at 8:30 am followed by general cleaning and maintenance of the church building.

Everyone is welcome to the breakfast and workday!


Worshiping Our Risen Savior

Sunrise service 7:30 am - back parking lot (fellowship hall if inclement  weather)

11:00 am - Worship service with special music, narration, and sermon focusing on the resurrection of Christ


Men's Breakfast

Sat. March 9th 8:30 am

Join us for a great time of fellowship, good food, and a devotional message 



Agape Feast

Sunday, February 18th 5:30pm

The men of the church will be preparing and serving a church-wide Agape Feast. The emphasis is the fellowship of Christian love, God's love.

Menu: Lasagna, salad, and various deserts



Lord's Supper

Sunday, February 11th

during the 11:00 service



Church-wide dinner & birthday celebration!

Sunday, Jan.28th


     Immediately after the morning worship service we will be celebrating everyone’s birthday with tables set up for each birth month.  Bring a covered dish or two. Invite an un-churched friend or family member!

 The church will provide drinks and cupcakes (so no need to bring desserts).

Youth Bible Study & Pizza Fellowship

Sunday, January 21st at 4:00 pm

Saturday, January 13, 8:30 am

All men are invited to enjoy good food, fellowship, and spiritual encouragement. 

Candlelight Service

Sunday, December 17, 6:00 pm 

Join us as we enjoy an evening of special music - solos, duets, and instrumentals. 

Also, scripture readings by families and lighting of candles.

Youth Christmas Party

Sunday, December 10, 4:00 pm 

All Youth are invited to join in for fun, games, and refreshments in the fellowship hall. Invite a friend!

Children's Christmas Program

Sunday, December 10, 11:00 am 

"The Christmas Story-Jesus, the Same Today, Yesterday, and Forever!"

Christmas Program

Sunday, December 3, 11:00 am 

"God's Gift of Grace"

And observance of the 

Lord's Supper

Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner

Sunday, December 3, 5pm 

Turkey, ham, and drinks provided. Please bring side dishes and deserts.

After dinner: Singing Christmas hymns and a Christmas devotional message 

Through the month of December please pray for our international missionaries and give financially through our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to support our missionaries.

Envelopes for this offering are provided in the sanctuary. 

Happy Thanksgiving

There will be No Wednesday evening service on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 22nd


It's time to pack boxes for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. Boxes to fill are available in the foyer.

Your boxes packed for children can be placed in the sanctuary. $10 per box is suggested to cover expenses. Instructions for packing the boxes can be found on Samaritan's Purse's website. 

Deadline for collecting boxes is Sunday, November 12th.

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, Oct. 28 at 8:30 am 

Come and enjoy a great time of food and fellowship with other men in the church followed by a devotional message. 

All men are invited!

Youth Ministry

We are planning a trip to FRIGHT FARM for our youth (middle school & high school age) on Sunday, October 22nd in the evening.  

Tickets need to be  purchased, so any youth interested in going, please contact Mark Isabell for more information 

Lord's Supper


Sunday, October 1, 11:00 am



Saturday, September 30th

 At Mason-Dixon Park

Lunch starts at noon. Church providing hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, condiments.

Bring side dishes, desserts, and drinks. Games will be provided

Welcome Back Students!

College Students & Singles Lunch 

Sunday, September 17th directly after morning worship service.  

Menu: lasagna, garden salad, toasted garlic bread, and dessert.  

Invite your friends to join you!

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, Sept. 16 at 8:30 am.

A great time of food and fellowship.

A devotional message from David Chidester, our Men's Ministry Leader. 

All men are invited!

Women's Bible Study

Beginning Monday, September 11th at 6:30 p.m.

Study of Acts 12

Dedication Service

Sunday, August 27th

Guest speaker: Rev. Don Yeager

Greetings & encouragement : Marty Turner, Director of Missions

History of the construction project

Solos, duets, trios, & more special music

Reception following the worship service

Exciting News!

We plan to hold our first worship service in the new sanctuary Sunday, August 13th.

Lord's Supper

Sunday, August 6, 11:00 am

We will recognize and honor our fathers during our worship service Sunday at 11:00 am

Vacation Bible School Starts
Tuesday - ThursdayJune 6, 7, 8    5:30 to 8:30    

Dinner served at 5:00

Classes from 3yr - sixth grade


Lord's Supper

Sunday June 4 - 11am worship service


Graduate Recogniton

Sunday June 4 - 11am worship service


Fifth Sunday Dinner Apr. 30th
Covered dish dinner following the morning worship service.Drinks will be provided. Please bring meat, vegetable, or desert dishes.

Easter Sunday, April 9th

7:30 am - Sunrise service

11:00 am - Resurrection Celebration and Worship

Children's Worship - Egg Hunt and Story of Jesus' Resurrection


  Sunday, April 2nd

Lord's Supper during the morning worship service

  Annie Armstrong Easter OfferingFor North American Missions

Throughout the month of March we will be receiving our annual offering to support our North American missionaries. Please pray for our missionaries and give above your regular tithes and offerings to support our missionaries. 100% of this offering goes to support the work of our missionaries in North America.

  Monday 6:30pm

Women of all ages are invited to join us for our Spring Bible Study on Monday nights. We will be studying the Book of Acts.

  College Students & Young Adults!

You are invited to stay for lunch Sunday Feb.19th after the morning worship service. This will be a time to get to know each other better and discuss ministry ideas. Invite your friends!

  Fifth Sunday Dinner & Sing Sunday Jan. 29, 5:00 pm

 Ham, beans and drinks provided. Please bring side dishes. 

Dinner in the fellowship hall followed by our 5th Sunday Sing in the sanctuary

  December 11th @ 11am

Come and celebrate the birth of Christ as our children and youth present the message of Jesus' birth.
  December 18th 
During the morning worship service

December 18th at 6:00 pm
  Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner
Dec. 4 at 5:00 pm 

Turkey, ham, and drinks provided. Please bring side dishes and enjoy good food and fellowship as we celebrate the birth of Christ.
After dinner we will celebrate with the singing of Christmas hymns and hearing a Christmas devotion

  Calvary Christmas Program
Dec. 4 at 11:00 am 

Join us for a worship service of special music, scripture reading, and narration as we celebrate the birth of Christ
  Operation Christmas Child

Fill a shoebox for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. Shoeboxes are available in the foyer.  Instructions for filling shoeboxes can be found at Samaritan's Purse's website.

Deadline for collection at the church is Sunday Nov. 13th

     5th Sunday Dinner & Sing
October 30th 5pm

Hamburgers, hotdogs, buns & drinks provided. Please bring side dishes. 

Dinner in the fellowship hall followed by our 5th Sunday Sing in the sanctuary

Attention! Due to inclement weather the carnival will be held next Saturday, October 8th________________________________________
Come One! Come All!Calvary Baptist Carnival
Church Parking Lot
Saturday, October 1st 10am-2pm(Rain Date - October 8th)

Free Admission  Free Food
Raffles - Games - Food - Bounce Houses - ContestsPetting Zoo - Crafts - Live Music - Kona Ice
Community Is Invited
Jesus Loves You! (And Calvary Does Too!)

Coming Up!

Church-wide Carnival for the community

Saturday, October 1st  10am-2pm

More information coming soon

Welcome back students!

Join us for our college Pizza dinner

Sunday, August 28th  6pm

Cookout & 5th Sunday Sing

Sunday, July 31st, 5pm

Hamburgers, hotdogs, buns & drinks provided. Bring side dishes. Join us for good food and fellowship, then our 5th Sunday Sing after the cookout!

Coming Up!

Graduate Recognition

Sunday, June 26th during the 11:00 worship service

Sunday, June 19th

We will recognize and honor our fathers during the 11:00 worship service

We will observe the Lord's Supper

Sunday, June 5th during the 11:00 worship service

Calvary Spring Cleaning, Saturday April 23, 9am

Come help us for a couple of hours Saturday! We will be discarding unneeded items that have been stored for years. And we will be cleaning flower beds around the church.

Resurrection Sunday April 17th

Join us Sunday morning at 11 am as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, our savior, with a special service of solos, duets, instrumentals, and a message from God's Word

Christ is Risen!

Sunday April 10th

Join us as we celebrate Jesus' last week on earth as He enters Jerusalem to die on the cross as the sacrifice for our sins

Don't Forget!

Set your clocks forward this weekend

Spring Bible Study 

Monday Evenings 6:30 pm

All women are invited to attend this study of the Gospel of Mark. Sandy Upright will be leading this Bible Study

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

During the month of March we will have the opportunity to give through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering to support our North American missionaries.

   100% of your gifts go directly to the missionaries on the field.

College Ministry 

Dinner Sunday, March 6 at 6pm - All college students are invited to attend this time of fellowship and meet other college students

Sunday, December 19th, 2021

Church Christmas Dinner @ 5pm

Turkey, ham, and drinks will be provided by the church. Please bring side dishes of vegetables and deserts.

Sunday, December 19th, 2021

Christmas Candlelight Service @ 6:30 pm

Join us for our Christmas Candlelight Service following our Christmas dinner. This will be a service with special solos, duets, and instrumentals, along with families reading the Christmas story from the scriptures and lighting the candles as we celebrate the birth of Christ. 

Sunday, December 12th, 2021

Calvary Christmas Celebration:

During our Morning service we will be having a special service! FULL of hymns, special songs, and Christmas readings as we celebrate the birth of Christ! 

Children's Christmas Program @ 6pm:

Please come and support our children as they present the Christmas story about Jesus Christ!!!

Monday, November 15-22, 2021

Operation Christmas Child:

Every year since, Samaritan’s Purse has collected shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children around the world. Since 1993, more than 188 million children in more than 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. The project delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible expression of God’s love.

We Still have boxes in the sanctuary foyer for Operation Christmas Child! Collection week is Nov.15-22. The last Sunday to bring in your shoeboxes is Nov. 14th

Thank you too all who donated to this wonderful cause! God Bless you all!

Sunday, November 7th, 2021

Our Ministry to Veterans:

We are collecting for our veterans. It is time to remember our veterans by donating cold weather items such as sweat-shirts, toboggans (Winter Weather Hats), gloves, scarves, and socks. A basket is available in the Church sanctuary Foyer to place your donations. 

Thank you for being a part of this ministry! God Bless you all! 

Sunday, October  3rd, 2021

College Dinner:

College Students! Join us in the fellowship hall at 6:00 pm. There will be free food, fellowship, and an opportunity to meet others within the church. To plan future activities, small group bible studies, etc. Please bring your Friends!

September 13th, 2021

Women's Bible Study:

Our Fall Women's Bible Study will begin September 13th at  6:30pm. This bible study will be a 10 week study of I & 2 Timothy on Monday evenings. Sandy Upright will be leading this Bible Study. All women are invited to attend.

Month Of September 

West Virginia State Missions:

We will be receiving offerings for the Ola Cox State Missions through the month of September. This offering supports our Southern Baptist mission work throughout West Virginia. Please pray for our state missions workers and give to help support their work. 

Sunday, August 29th, 2021

College Back to School Bash!

College Students! Join us in the fellowship hall at 6:00 pm. There will be free food, games, fellowship, and an opportunity to meet others within the church. Please bring your Friends!

Sunday, August 15th, 2021

Lords Supper during the morning worship service

We will be observing the Lords Supper, the first Sunday of every other month.