Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church in Morgantown, WV. We invite you to look around and get acquainted with our church. If you're not currently attending a church we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to one of our weekly services.
Our desire is that you and your family will have a warm and Spirit-filled experience with us as we worship and fellowship together at our services, events, and ministries.
"What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Matthew 16:26)
Our Pastor:
Pastor Doug Strother began His ministry at Calvary Baptist in March 2007. He was born and raised in Jacksonville, Fla. He is a graduate of the University of North Florida and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Pastor Doug has served as Youth Minister in churches in Florida and Indiana. He has served as Pastor in churches in Indiana, Florida, and Maryland prior to coming to West Virginia. Pastor Doug and his wife, Debby, have three adult children and nine grandchildren.
My vision for Calvary is that we become more of what God desires - "conformed to the image of Christ." If each believer becomes more like Christ, then the church becomes more like Christ - in attitude, actions, and reaching others for the Kingdom of God. To achieve this, our discipling ministry includes Sunday morning Bible Study classes before our worship service, led by wonderful teachers of the Word of God. Also, special Bible study groups, focusing on spiritual growth, are offered for college students, for men, and for women.
Also, each of our weekly services is a different format to meet our spiritual needs:
Our Sunday morning worship is a time of praise and worship to the Lord and preaching the Word of God.
Our Wednesday service begins with a time of prayer followed by the pastor's in-depth teaching through books of the Bible. This is a time for open discussion, questions, and answers as we learn from one another.
So, each service is different. Come join in with us here at Calvary and see what the Lord is doing!
Online Giving:
Celebration of the
Lord's Supper
Sunday, Feb. 2, 11am
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Map & Directions:
Calvary Baptist Church
519 Burroughs Street
Morgantown, WV. 26505
Contact Us:
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm.
Office closed on Wednesdays
Church Office Phone: 304-599-2505
Church Office Email: calvarymorgantown@gmail.com
Pastor: dgstrother@comcast.net
Website Support: IT.CBCMorgantown@gmail.com